Grey Kollege 1965 Leith Huis Kikkies

15 February 2018

This page is probably best viewed on a computer (desktop/laptop) using a browser together with a mouse or pointing device. To view a larger image, click on a thumb-nail. Click anywhere within the browser context in order to remove it.
Starred thumbnails have an accompanying comment that pops up and remains up, while the mouse pointer is over the thumb-nail.
Getting it to work intuitively on all manner of touch-screen devices is a problem that I still have to solve. Currently the text associated with an image thumbnail only appears if the thumbnail it tapped to view the enlargement and the enlargement popup window is then closed. The size of the text also varies between devices.

tumb nail
tumb nail

If you have any comments, corrections, suggestions or plain criticism, I would appreciate it if you would communicate the same to me.

Robert Dempster home page icon and link [email protected]