The beginning is probably always the hardest for me. I never know what will make a good first sentence, and last night was no exception. What do I really want to say? And where do I find the words to say it? I'm tempted to start with the opening line of Scot Peck's book: Life is difficult. It was just a few months ago that my mom asked me to buy this book because of that very sentence. And yet, all of us sitting here know that life is difficult, especially at a time like this. But somehow, it doesn't seem appropriate. It doesn't seem the right thing to say.


Suddenly, it seems as if no sentence can be constructed in a way that will convey the meaning and intention of the words adequately, and I find myself hesitating before I can write down anything. And yet, as hard as it is, I know that I must persevere, for that is what I have learnt over the last 22 years.


There is so much that I want to say about my mom, that r could keep you here for hours, and yet I believe that each one of you knows what is most important to know. I do not want to use the line Life is difficult, because I want to celebrate her life.


I am so thankful that I had the five last weeks with my mom, for in that time we spent so many precious hours talking and now, I can carry those memories with me. She shared so many words of wisdom with me and I pray that I can pass some of those to you today.


My mom's life was not easy, as I have come to realize more and more over the last few years. But she never complained. Her bravery and courage wil1 remain with me always as inspiration for how life needs to be tackled. Heavy as our load may be, there is always hope. One of the messages she shared with me time and again, especially when I was struggling and finding the way rough going, was 'keep on keeping on'. And that was so amazing. It may not have made the moment easier, but it imparted hope. And today is no exception.


Life was there to be lived- no matter what. Sometimes you get a rotten deal, but, you make the best of it. You get up in the morning despite the pain, despite the anger, despite the suffering. And my mom, though never saying so, truly lived like this.


I don't think we can even begin to realize how much she suffered and endured. Each day over the last thirty years, must have brought so much agony and pain and heartache, and yet, she would sti11 give so much to the people around her.


Over the last few days, there have been so many phone ca11s and conversations, and through them I have come-to learn even more about my mom. About how she supported so many of the people around her. She always had advice to give to a broken or grieving heart. When someone wasn't sure of the way forward, or needed an ear to listen, mom was there. She was a shining light for so many people, an example of courage and determination. She had so much compassion and understanding, undoubtedly because of the situation in which she found herself, where her life was riddled with suffering.


And yet, despite how hard it may have been, and despite how we cannot think of living in such a body, she lived a happy and fulfilled life. She was content. Last week she said to me that she doesn't want a sad funeral, but she wants people to be joyful, because it is a celebration of life, and at last, she has been set free from the body which bound her to a wheelchair.


And I was upset then as I am now, for how can I not be sad? We have a11lost such a precious person. A great mind has been taken from us. A compassionate heart is no longer there. An ear which always listened will no longer be on the other side of the phone line. For many of us, the loss is so great, the sadness so overwhelming, and yet, I can still find comfort in the fact that my mom is at last at peace.


I found a beautiful photo of her taken probably 25 years ago. And she looks so beautiful. I don't remember her ever not being sick, and the years of pain took their toll on her physical being. But just looking at that photo of a beautiful woman, I can imagine her looking like that again.


I find so much comfort knowing that she is happy. She said to me recently that she can't wait to be with Jesus, that she wants to live in His Kingdom, fTee of pain, not only her pain, but all the suffering to be found in the world. And now, I can draw on this picture of her happy at her beloved master's feet.


She was lent to us all for a brief time, and now she has gone home. I don't think we will ever forget the courage and determination, the generosity and hope, the guidance and love that she shared with us all. She managed to touch so many lives, despite being so severely disabled. And through the tears today, I don't want anyone here to forget that we are called each day to a celebration of life. Mom would have wanted us to look at the flowers, and feel the sunshine, and hear the birds sing, and know that we still have work to do here on earth_ that we still have much to share with those around us. She taught us about living a fulfilled life, about finding peace despite the inevitable decay of our physical body. And we must now share that with all the people that we come into contact with.


A special mention to the hospital staff of Universitas hospital for their unbelievable compassion and determination the last few days that mom was there. The doctors and nurses alike treated her with so much respect and love, and showed so much compassion and understanding to the friends and family that were at her bedside.


And then to the many people who showered us with love and compassion over the past years. During my school career, during the years I have been away, and especially over the last three weeks, there have been so many people who "have given so much of their time to love and support mom, Gran and 1. Too many to mention by name. But I can only say now an inadequate thank you to friends and family, and friends who have become family. Thank you so much for everything you have done, I love you. And I know mom loved you too.


To everyone here today, may the love of God, the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the comfort of the Holy Spirit be with you always.


Mom, rest in peace. I love you.